*There will be an informational meeting for seniors on April 18 at 9:30am in the cafeteria*
The Class of 2025 Commencement ceremony will take place in Silva Concert Hall at Hult Center for the Performing Arts at 7:00pm, Monday, June 9, 2025. The venue address is 1 Eugene Center, Eugene, OR 97401
South Eugene partners with Miners Graduate Services for all of your graduation essentials. There is a whole selection of fun & commemorative swag, but the only required purchse is the cap & gown set which must be worn for the graduation ceremony. If the cost of a cap & gown presents a financial burden, please contact Eric in the main office: elligott_e@4j.lane.edu.
Cap & Gown sets must be ordered far in advance of the ceremony in order to avoid any supply chain issues that have historically affected purchasing ability as graduation season nears, so order now from Miners Graduate Services!
Cap & Gown sets will be distributed with graduation tickets to seniors who have completed the check-out process in mid-May.
Graduation announcements will be available for seniors to pick up (if you ordered them) at the Senior Information Meeting on April 18 (9:30am)
The Senior Graduation Party is not a school sponsored event. Organized by South parents in collabortation with Friends of South, a graduation party will be held on the night of graduation. The long-standing tradition provides a safe space for graduates to gather and celebrate for the final night as high school students.
“It’s time to start preparing for the graduation party for the class of 2025! We are seeking help with planning and implementing the party which usually occurs the night of graduation. Junior parents are typically tasked with this big project but any parents are welcome! Please contact Rebecca Trojan at rlwtrojan@yahoo.com for more information if you would like to volunteer!”
Graduation tickets will be distributed along with cap & gown sets beginning May 12. Detailed ticket policy & distribution plan. Tickets can be requested for the orchestra, mezzanine, or balcony levels, and seating is first-come, first-served within your ticketed section. Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced and should be stored in a safe place immediately after pick-up.
*There is a lottery porcess for families who need more than 6 tickets for the graduation ceremony. A request form will be availalbe in the Spring.*
Are you interested in giving a speech at graduation? Performing a musical number? Performances and speeches are not preassigned for any student, and all graduating seniors are welcome to audition! We will be holding auditions for both musical performances AND speeches afterschool on April 15. Audition pieces should be performance-ready at that time. Fill out this interest form to be notified with more information as auditions approach.
*Musical numbers should be no longer than 5 minutes in duration. Speeches should ideally 5-7 minutes, and while they can be shorter, they should not be longer than 10.
*Bring your own instruments (with the exception of a piano, but please note any/all instruments)
*Bring a hard copy of all lyrics for any song vocals to the audition
*Musical auditions must be given exactly how they will be performed at graduation ()i.e you cannot audition singing Wrecking Ball, and then perform Party in the USA at graduation).
*Speeches may be refined after auditions, but if you are selected, any changes to your speech must be approved.
Graduation rehearsal will be held the morning of Monday, June 9th at 9:00am. Rehearsal is MANDATORY; there are no exceptions. Students must be present at rehearsal in order to participate in the evening ceremony. Rehearsal should be expected to last about an hour and a half, with performers & speakers staying at the end to rehearse their pieces.
Graduates have the afternoon to get ready, then must be back at the Hult Center to check in at The Studio by 6:00pm and get set for the class photo at 6:15pm. Please allow yourself plenty of time to find parking so that you can make it to check in on time.