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Below are the answers to many of the common questions regarding courses selection.  


  • How do I get into IHS?  And, can I take IHS classes as a Classic South student?

    Selection into IHS is based on the 4j School Choice Lottery, administered in February.  Interested students submitted an application online in January.   Students chosen were notified via email and letters were sent home in late February.  There are no open slots available at this time.  If you are interested in joining IHS as a 10th grader, you may submit an application next winter.  

    Classic South students may NOT register for IHS courses.

  • How can I earn college credit as a student at SEHS?

    Advanced Placement (AP): Students may receive college credit during high school by taking and scoring well on an Advanced Placement test.  There is a fee for each test, but scholarships are available.

    College Now (CN): allows students to earn free college credit from Lane Community College through course work completed at South while satisfying high school graduation requirements.  These courses are FREE to students.  

    Duck Link:  Students who surpass the academic levels offered in the courses listed in the curriculum guide may earn college credit through an arrangement with the University of Oregon.  Students are responsible for the college fees and books. 

    Online and other Off Campus Classes: You can take classes online or at LCC or UO but please talk to your counselor first.  Families are fully responsible for the expense of these courses.   

  • Are 9th graders required to be fully scheduled with a full schedule both semesters?

    Yes! All Grade 9 and 10 students are fully scheduled with 8 credits per year. Reduced schedules are permitted, in rare circumstances, usually for medical reasons.


    Can I change my schedule mid year?

    Yes.  There is a short schedule change period before each semester.  Course changes are based on credit needs and appropriate level placement.


    Am I guaranteed the courses I request in Synergy?

    No, but we do our best to accommodate students’ requests.  Required courses are the first to be scheduled. Elective choices are assigned based on desire, space, and workability with the master schedule.


    Is there an advantage to entering my courses early?

    No, scheduling does not operate on a first come, first serve basis. All course requests entered during the open period will be processed at the same time during summer.


    What is the average class size?

    Class size varies by subject and grade level with 9th core classes having smaller numbers than elective courses. Due to the Humanities Block experience, Classic 9th Global Studies and English classes will most likely not exceed 25 students per class. 


    Do I get to choose my teachers?

    No.  We make every effort to keep our class sizes evenly balanced, so ask that you do not request changes based on teacher preference.


    Can I be an TA (teacher’s aid) as a 9th grader?

    No.  You may, however, work as an aide with the Life Skills program.


    Do I have to take both semesters of AVID, Band, Orchestra, or Choir to participate?

    It is highly encouraged to do so. We want to encourage students to participate in performing arts, so scheduling for one semester is allowed, but the courses are designed to be year long.    Special arrangements can be made with some students who have scheduling conflicts. Talk with your counselor if you have questions.


    I am interested in taking Web Page design but don't see it listed in Synergy.  Where do I find it?

    All computer based classes, except Graphic Design, are housed within "Computer Fundamentals."  Students may take this course multiple times to access different computer options.


  • How is math placement determined?

    Math placement is based on completion of your 8th grade math course. Students taking 8th grade math, for example, will be scheduled for Algebra 1 A & B at SEHS.  Students taking Algebra this year will be scheduled for Geometry/Stats.  Students taking Geometry will be scheduled for Algebra II.


    I am interested in taking math at LCC over the summer before beginning 9th grade.  Will I receive high credit for it?

    High school credit is not granted for courses taken outside of 4j before a student is enrolled as a SEHS student.  Courses may be used for placement purposes though.


    If I took Algebra as an 8th grader, will I receive high school credit? 

    If you earned a B- or better and took the course at a 4j middle school you may receive high school credit.  You will need to complete the "Consent for Credit" form. This form will be sent out during semester 1 of your  9th grade year. 



    Do I have to take PE as a 9th grader?

    No, PE is not required as a 9th grader, but it is encouraged.  Two PE courses during a student’s high school experience are required to graduate.  

    Can I take more than one PE class?


    Can I take the same PE class twice?


    I don’t like competitive or team games/sports.  Which PE should I take?

    Rock Climbing, Yoga, and Strength & Conditioning are all great options. Talk with your counselor for further details.

    Do I have to take Health & Humanities

    Yes. Health & Humanities is part of the 9th Grade Experience. Students are required to take two health classes over the course of their high school experience, so this course will count toward .5 of the 1.0 HE credits needed for graduation. Embedded within the year-long  course will be organizational strategies, SEL, decision making strategies, AVID strategies and high school and post high school planning. Students will receive 0.5 OS credits in additional to their 0.5 HE. 


    District 4j, the SEHS Science Department and Transition Team require that all 9th grade students begin their science pathway with Physics.


  • Is a World Language class required? 

    World Language is NOT required for high school graduation, but IS REQUIRED for COLLEGE ADMISSIONS.  Level II proficiency is required for admission into most state schools. Level III proficiency is recommended for admission into more competitive universities.   


    Is a World Language Recommended?

    We live in a global world. World Language is recommended for students with strong study skills.  Daily studying is required.  Students who have struggled with courses during their 8th grade year or who are feeling especially anxious about starting high school are encouraged to delay taking a world language until their sophomore or junior year.


    Are World Language requirements different for IHS students?

    IHS students are required to take three years of a world language.  Students may begin their study in either their 9th or 10th grade year.


    I completed two years of Spanish at my middle school, what level of Spanish should I sign up for at South?

    If you were a strong language student, receiving a B or higher, and have good study skills, sign up for Level II.  Keep in mind that Level II is taught largely in Spanish. If learning a world language has been challenging for you and/or you are not committed to daily studying, sign up for Level I.  Students completing Level I as 9th graders will be prepared to take AP Spanish by their senior year. Students taking Level II as a 9th grader will max out of their Spanish options at the end of their junior year.  


    I am a former French Immersion student but not enrolled in the Immersion program this coming fall.  Can I continue to take French? 

    Students who are no longer in French Immersion, but who wish to continue their language study may enroll in Expressions/Le Monde Francophone or AP/IB French. Classic French III and IV may also be an option depending on the student's proficiency level.