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Students are encouraged to volunteer their time and talents to the school and the community. Volunteering can help students explore new interests and is well regarded on job resumes and college/scholarship applications. (Besides, it’s just plain good karma to help others!) Community service is required as part of the following programs. In these cases:
International High School:
Students need a total of 100 CAS (Creativity, Action, and Service) hours over the course of their junior and senior years. They need to complete at least 40 hours of service, 20 hours of creativity, and 20 hours of activity. Students should strike a reasonable balance between service, creativity, and activity for the remaining 20 hours. After the end of the school year between sophomore and junior year, CAS hours count towards the hour requirement for the first semester of junior year. During the summer between junior and senior year, CAS hours count towards the requirement for the first semester of senior year. Students must complete a minimum of 20 hours each semester. All hours must be completed by April of the senior year. Students must have hours verified by a supervisor and record hours through the platform indicated by their seminar teacher. All hours must be completed by April of the senior year. See the CAS handbook on the IHS website for more information. Students may also use their service hours towards the 4J Honors Recognition and National Honor Society. Contact the IHS secretary, Melanie Namkoong (, for further information.
French Immersion (IHS):
Students will be asked to conduct one or more CAS experiences in French and then reflect upon that experience.The purpose of this reflection is to show how they sustain a commitment to dual literacy outside of the classroom. All other requirements for CAS hours are the same as above. Contact the IHS secretary, Melanie Namkoong (, for further information.
District 4J Honors Recognition:
This recognition comes in the form of an attachment to a student’s high-school diploma. 120 documented hours of community service are required. Students also need a 3.5 cumulative GPA by the 2nd semester of their senior year. Students may start recording their volunteer hours on the District 4J Honors Recognition community-service log at any time during high school. They may request an application for the recognition from the career center or counseling office beginning their sophomore year. They must turn in the completed community-service log and application on or before May 1st of their senior year. These volunteer hours may apply to the National Honor Society and IHS requirements, too. Contact the SEHS counseling secretary, Jessica Kuehn (, for further information.
National Honor Society:
Students apply during the spring of their sophomore or junior year. For consideration, they must have at least a 3.50 GPA. In addition, character, history of volunteer service and leadership, and a short essay are evaluated as part of each application. NHS requires students to maintain their GPA, complete 60 hours of community service during each year of membership, and attend the monthly NHS meeting. These hours may apply to the 4J Honors Diploma and IHS requirements, too. Contact the NHS advisor, Krin Hunt (, for further information.
Classic South:
Community service is not required for graduation from SEHS. However, students completing the Senior Experience might do so by participating in community service, among other activities.