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South Eugene High School

Audiobook Instructions

4J Audiobooks, eBooks & Library Catalog

Download the SORA APP on your phone or tablet
if you want to access these away from your computer

- Log in using the same instructions below, but start at no. 2 after downloading the app

1. Google “SORA” and choose this link: (Welcome to Sora!)

2. Search for Eugene School District and choose “Sign in using Eugene School Dist.” and enter your 4J username & password

3. Set your Preferences (upper left) and go to Explore (bottom of page) to search for titles.

4. Use the “hamburger” icon in the upper right-hand corner to add the

Oregon Digital Library Consortium

(includes tens of thousands more books from the Eugene Public Library!) Click “Add a Library”

Search for, and choose Oregon Digital Library Consortium

Once this library is added, you can toggle back and forth between the Eugene School District and the Oregon Digital Library Consortium to check out eBooks and Audiobooks.

Getting to the LIBRARY CATALOG

1. Google DESTINY DISCOVER - choose this link:

2. Select Oregon and type in your school name
This will take you to your school’s Library Catalog where you can also access the

SORA app and many other resources.

3. To see what you have checked out, log in to the library catalog in the upper right-hand corner. Look for “MY STUFF” in the menu tabs.

Julie Vignoul, SEHS Teacher-Librarian 12/2022