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South Eugene High School

SEHS Newsletter - March 14, 2025

Posted Date: 3/14/25 (10:20 PM)

SEHS Newsletter
March 14, 2025
Important Dates
3/23 - 'Golden Apple' Nominations Due
3/24 - 28 - Spring Break
3/31 - No School, Planning Day
4/3 - Rising 8th Grader Parent Night, 6pm
4/10 - 'C Day' Schedule
4/10 - Last Day to Resolve an 'Incomplete' from Semester 1 (Moved from 4/17)
4/11 - No School, Mid-Term Grading (Moved from 4/18)
4/18 - Testing Day (half day)
4/18 - Senior Info Meeting (students), 9:30am
4/19 - Prom, Wheeler Pavillion
SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION! Nominate a valued 4J employee or volunteer for the annual Golden Apple Awards at

Who do you appreciate? An inspiring teacher? An encouraging classified employee? An administrator who leads by example? An amazing volunteer who gives their all? Now is the time to recognize their contributions.

Employees also can be nominated for the new Apple Seed award for early-career staff, the Lifetime Achievement award or the 4J Spotlight award (for individuals or teams).

Submit a nomination by March 23. And please help spread the word!
SENIORS...87 Days Until Graduation!
****If you haven't ordered your cap & gown yet, you're running out of Go to there.

If purchasing a cap & gown presents a financial burden, we can arrange for grads to borrow a set; simply contact Eric directly with grad's name and height.

****Any graduates who are interested in giving a speech or a musical performance during the ceremony must audition. Auditions will be after school on Tuesday, April 15! More information can be found on our Graduation 2025 page.

****There will be an informational meeting for seniors on April 18 at 9:30am in the cafeteria
Rising 8th-Grader Parent Info Night
Know any parents of current 8th graders heading our way next year? Spread the word!

Save the date for our in-person Incoming 9th Grade Parent Information Night event on Thursday, April 3rd from 6:00-7:30pm in the auditorium. Our administrators, 9th grade counselor, department leads, and 9th grade transition coordinator look forward to sharing information and reviewing the course selection (forecasting) process, including information pertaining to students in both Classic South and IHS. You will also be able to sign up for Summer Bridge and take a tour from one of our student representatives. For families who are unable to attend, a recording of the information/slideshow will be available the following school day
Lori Sauter and Leann Hollenbeak, SEHS College and Career Center Coordinators
Upcoming College/Career Center Visits:
University of Mississippi, Tue March 18, 10:15 AM
This Week’s Featured (MOSTLY LOCAL!) Scholarships:
  • Awards scholarships worth up to $35,000
  • For Black/African American seniors in Oregon
  • Recipients must plan to attend degree program at least half time.
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Preference is given to students passionate about giving back to their community and uplifting the next generation.
  • Interview and financial aid award letter review is required for award and will be scheduled after May 15th.
  • Deadline: 3/17/25 (new due date–different from what the application states)

  • Awards college admission resources. May include attendance at an academic summer program, cash for a laptop, attendance at a college admissions conference, college admissions mentoring, and college visits. College Prep Scholars are nearly five times more likely than other applicants to receive full four-year scholarships through the National College Match
  • For outstanding students from low-income backgrounds hoping to attend a highly-selective 4-year college/university
  • Deadline: 3/20/25
  • Awards scholarships worth $2,500
  • Recipients must plan to attend an Oregon public college, university, or trade school.
  • Applicants must have been affected in some way by homelessness.
  • Academic success is a factor.
  • Extra-curricular activities (job, volunteering, sports, clubs, etc.) are a factor.
  • Financial need is a factor.
  • Deadline: 4/1/25 via emailed PDFs to Lori Sauter (

  • Awards scholarships worth $1,500
  • Recipients must plan to attend an Oregon public university, community college, or trade school
  • Academic success is a factor.
  • Financial need is a factor.
  • Deadline: 4/1/25 via shared Google Doc

  • Awards scholarships worth $4,000
  • Recipients must plan to attend an Oregon public institution of higher education, trade school, or trade program.
  • Preferred: 3.0 to 3.5 grade point average
  • Financial need is a factor.
  • Deadline: 4/10/25 via printed paper copies submitted to the College/Career Center
Student Volunteering Opportunities:
  • Sign up to volunteer by Monday, 3/24.
  • Event takes place at Matthew Knight Arena.
  • Volunteers must be 18 y.o. by 4/7 to participate as “wounded patients.”
  • Volunteers considering healthcare careers preferred
  • Volunteers will be asked to commit to at least 1 full day, 7:00 am-4:30 pm.
  • Interested volunteers should contact Barb Courtney <>, 541-915-1596.

4/11-13: Friends of the Eugene Public Library Book Sale.
  • At the Lane County Fairgrounds
  • 4/11 shifts from 8:30-10:30 or 10-1: Unload and set up books.
  • 4/12 shifts from 7:30-10, 8:30-11:30, 11-2, or 1:30-4:30: Greet and help shoppers, re-stock books.
  • 4/13 shifts from 9:30-12:30 or 12:15-3:15: Greet and help shoppers, re-stock books.
  • Sign up to volunteer.
Questions? <> or
Career Center Current Events:
Emergency services CTE and HOPE Factory (construction trades) CTE programs now available to forecast for next year. These CTE programs, offered by Lane Education Service District (LESD), are available for juniors and seniors. Forecasting information for both programs is linked below. Interested students should fill out the interest form (linked in the flyers) and check in with their counselors. (These programs can be more complicated to work into a student's schedule than they may initially realize.) Email Shareen Vogel with questions: <> about the programs (not about scheduling).

Need resume help? Want to practice for a job interview? Most Wednesdays from 1-2:30, we have a job-prep pro in the College and Career Center ready to help you. Email Lori Sauter ( to make an appointment. Day and time is negotiable if Wednesday afternoons don’t work.

Overview of Apprenticeships in Oregon from OSAC (branch of our state government) and the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI). 53-minute webinar recording from January 2025.

4J Honors Recognition: Seniors can apply to graduate with a 4J Honors Recognition. This designation on your diploma requires a GPA of 3.5 or higher and 120 hours of volunteering throughout high school. All students can use the linked application to begin tracking volunteer hours. Completed applications due to counseling secretary, Jesesica Kuehn <, by 5/1.

3/20: BIPOC Blueprint from 4:30-6 pm at Spark on 7th (22 W 7th Ave, Eugene). This is a space for BIPoC youth to connect, build resilience, and foster cultural pride. Open to youth in grades 8-12.

3/21: National Honor Society application deadline at 12:00 pm (noon). Selection for membership is based on demonstrated scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Membership requires a substantial time commitment. Sophomores and juniors with a GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible to apply for next year's membership.

3/21: Deadline to opt in to take the free in-school SAT at SEHS. See below for details (4/18).

4/18: The SAT will be offered during the school day for free to juniors who opt in by Friday, 3/21. Testing will begin at 8:30 am. Room assignments will be communicated closer to the test date. We recommend preparing in advance for the SAT using the Full-Length Digital SAT Practice Tests on Bluebook and Official Digital SAT® Prep through Khan Academy. Juniors should also update the BlueBook app located in their apps folder on their 4J laptop before taking the SAT.

4/18: The PreACT will be offered during the school day for free to all sophomores. Testing will begin at 8:30 am. Room assignments will be communicated closer to the test date.

  • Cost: There is NO cost to take the PreACT.
  • Sign-Up: Students DO NOT need to sign up or opt in.
  • Format: The PreACT is a practice ACT that covers high school standards in English, math, reading, and science.
  • Test Type: This is a pencil and scantron paper exam.
If you're interested in learning more about the PreACT and the ACT, check out the following link for free resources: Free ACT Test Prep. Also, the College and Career Center has free ACT study guides for checkout.