Teachers - Please have your recycling bins near or outside your door. Thanks!
Native American Student Union is meeting tomorrow in Room 306. Indigenous Americans are encouraged to come check it out!
BSU is meeting tomorrow in Room 29
Rotary Interact Club is having a meeting in room 415L aka mr ashers lab room! Get involved with volunteer opportunities and our community
GSA will meet today during lunch in Room 30. All are welcome.
Juniors! Wednesday begins three days of State Testing for all students in eleventh grade. Tests are administered in English Language Arts, Math, and Science. If you have any questions about the tests or to request parental consent forms to opt out, drop by the main office or in counseling.
Do you need volunteer hours? The Eugene Springfield Fire Department will spend April 7th, 8th, and 9th in a training drill, and they need volunteers, aged 18 and older, to pretend to be “wounded patients.” Also, the Friends of the Eugene Public Library Book Sale will take place April 11th through the 13th, and they need lots of volunteers for their event. Get details in South’s e-newsletter on Friday or in the Monday email from the College and Career Center, or stop by the College and Career Center and ask Lori Sauter for more information.
SENIORS! How many days until graduation, you ask?? NINETY Days…Nine. Zero. Any seniors who might be interested in giving a speech or a musical performance at the graduation ceremony should head to the graduation page on the South website, or come see Eric in the main office for more information. Auditions will be held right after school on Tuesday, April 15th.
South Eugene Theater’s fifth and FINAL show of the year is hosting auditions TODAY, and they will be held after school in the Auditorium lobby. Steel Magnolias, Directed by Marley Hines, is a classic story featuring six southern women in a salon. There is no preparation or experience required to audition. See you there!