Philosophy club meets today and takes place every Thursday at lunch in Rm. 305. We hope to see you there!
9th Graders! Come to Club 9 today right after school from 3:30 - 4:30 in the library. Today is your day!
Think you know right from wrong? Come check out Ethics Club, South’s casual discussion group tackling life’s big ethical questions! Meetings every Thursday, at lunch, Room 409; all are welcome.
Seniors! It’s definitely local scholarship season! If you need money for college or a trade school, watch for the e-newsletter that comes out on Friday afternoons, and check your email every Monday for messages from the College and Career Center!
Get ready South Eugene, because the Red Cross Club is having another Blood Drive in school on Tuesday, Marth 11th in the small gym! It will be our biggest one yet, so if you are 16 years or older, please consider donating blood to save a life! To sign up, check out our instagram @sehsredcross, or scan the flyers posted around the school and in the office. All 16 year olds must fill out a parental consent form found in the office and bring it with them at check - in. Feel free to DM the insta for any questions or help!
This week is classified staff appreciation week so shout out to all of our amazing classified staff!
Want to showcase your special talent? Sign’up for South’s Got Talent before March 21st by scanning the QR codes around the school or click the link in the stugov bio! Prizes for the top contestants will be rewarded!
If you have turned in a permission slip for the field trip THIS Friday, March 7th to GSA Day at Western Oregon University, you MUST be at the bus stop by the auditorium at the school at 7:10 am sharp! The bus will leave on time!!! You will be returned to the bus stop at the school at approximately 4:30pm. There will be breakfast foods and snacks on the bus for you. Lunch is served at the University. If you have not yet, please register yourself for the event at the WOU link for the event (check SEHS GSA instagram) or check in with Ms. Dodd. If you are registered, you are guaranteed a goodie bag from the university, otherwise you may not get one. See you at 7:10 sharp to catch the bus!