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Announcements for April 28, 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Pledge: Students, we welcome you to stand as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge  allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 

SCHOLARSHIPS: Hey, college-bound seniors! Need money? There are currently 6 open scholarships that 1 or more South students are guaranteed to win, and there are several more local ones that South students have a good shot at! Take a look at the email sent out on Monday, April 24 or see Lori Sauter in room 7 for more information.

SENIOR SURVEYS: Hey, Seniors! You need to complete two surveys in Naviance as part of the requirements that neec to be met in order to pick up your graduation tickets and cap and gown. On Monday you were emailed instructions for accessing the surveys, and already, many seniors have finished. It’s not hard, but it is required. See Lori Sauter in the career center for help.

COLLEGE REP: An admissions rep from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst will visit the college and career center this Tuesday, May 2nd at 2:25. Come and hear what they have to say! (By the way, this is not the same school as Amherst College.)

SENIORS: Listen up Seniors!! Each of you must complete a round of checkouts in order to receive your graduation tickets & cap and gown. Seniors can start this process beginning on 5/3/23. Please check your 4j email or one of the many signs posted around school with a list of departments to visit. 

GSA: NO GSA today. See you next week! 

WRITING CLUB: Writing Club meets today and every Friday in Room 504 during Lunch!

MINDFULNESS CLUB: Mindfulness club is happening at lunch in the amazon room on Fridays! Come talk, meditate and relax, we are always open to new members!