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Announcements for April 21, 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

LACROSSE: The South Eugene Boys Lacrosse team will be playing Marist High School Friday night; the Face Off is at 7 pm.  Come to the game, and support the Axe!

GRADUATION: Listen up Seniors!! Each of you must complete a round of checkouts in order to receive your graduation tickets & cap and gown. Seniors can start this process beginning on 5/3/23. Please check your 4j email or one of the many signs posted around school with a list of departments to visit. 

If you are interested in giving a speech, musical, or spoken word performance at graduation, you can sign up to audition in the main office. Auditions will be held on Tuesday & Wednesday, April 27 & 28. See Eric in the main office for more information or to sign up! 

PROM: Prom tickets are now on sale! Head over to South Eugene’s school pay website to purchase prom tickets. They are $35 without ASB and $30 with. If the price is a burden for you, please contact assistant principal Ricci Huling.

If you want to invite guests from other schools, you must complete a guest request form, which is available in the main office. These must be filled out by you, then filled out & signed by your guest and their guardian, then submitted to your guest’s school office. These must be returned to our office by 4:00pm, Wednesday April 26th. This process generally takes a few days to complete, so be sure to get started on this TODAY. Late requests will not be considered. 

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: On Tuesday, April 25th, Positive Community Kitchen will hold its annual spring fundraiser, called “After School Snacks! Secret Ingredient Cook Off.” They need high school volunteers to help with the event. Sign up by visiting Lori Sauter in room 7 or finding details in the e-newsletter for Friday, April 21st. PCK is hoping to raise $10,000 to continue to serve nutrient-dense meals to people while they are experiencing a health crisis.

GREEN WEEK: As green week comes to an end, stop by the main hall during lunch with a reusable water bottle for free lemonade. Make sure to bring a reusable water bottle or you will not be able to get any! Additionally, our green week raffle winners will be drawn at the lemonade booth, so make sure to show up in case your name gets called

WRITING CLUB: Writing Club meets today and every Friday in Roo

MINDFULNESS CLUB: Mindfulness club is happening at lunch in the amazon room on Fridays! Come talk, meditate and relax, we are always open to new members!

GSA: GSA will meet today during lunch in Room 30. All are welcome. See you there!