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Announcements for April 7th

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR FRIDAY APRIL 7th _________________________________________________________________

PLEDGEStudents, we welcome you to stand as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge  allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 

ART APPRENTICESHIP: Any high schooler interested in the design arts should consider applying for this spring’s design-arts apprenticeship. You’ll work with a mentor for 10 weeks to learn more about graphic, digital, or physical design. Apply by Monday, April 10. See the upcoming SEHS e-newsletter or visit Lori Sauter in the college and career center (room 7) for more information.

NHS: National Honor Society meets on Tuesday, April 11th, during lunch. Please bring your volunteer log sheet for Trimester 2. 

Applications for next year’s National Honor Society are available in the office and the College and Career Center. Current members do not need to re-apply. Deadline is 4:00 PM on Friday, April 14. Late applications will not be accepted.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Many volunteer positions are still available for the 2023 Friends of the Eugene Public Library Book Sale. Any students interested in helping out between April 14th  and 16th are invited. Visit the website at for more information. You may also visit Lori Sauter in the college and career center (room 7) for more information.

INTRAMURAL: Sign ups for intramural spikeball are now open! Sign up with a partner for some grand, gallant, and galumptious game play. It will be wicked off the sticks so sign up for intramural spikeball.

WRITING CLUB: Writing Club meets today and every Friday in Room 504 during Lunch!

MINDFULNESS Mindfulness club is happening at lunch in the amazon room on Fridays! Come talk, meditate and relax, we are always open to new members!

GSA: GSA will meet Friday during lunch in Room 30. All are welcome. See you there!