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Announcements for February 2, 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

PLEDGE: Students, we welcome you to stand as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Any 9th through 12th graders who enjoy working with kids and being outside should consider applying to help with Coyote Outdoor School. In this program, fifth and sixth graders spend several school days during the spring at Camp Lutherwood participating in a nature program. Volunteers help with lessons, games, and campfire activities. For more information, go to, look at your most recent e-newsletter, or see Lori Sauter in the College and Career Center (room 7).

GSA: Because of the short week, GSA will meet today during lunch in room 30. We will plan our role in the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. assembly. See you there! 

BIPOC: Calling all students who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color). Our BIPOC student group is collecting stories of BIPOC Student experiences. If you are interested in sharing your story, please join us on Tuesday, 2/7, in the Small Gym during lunch. If you cannot attend and would like to share a story, please contact Señora Keech in room 25. Lunch will be provided. See your email to RSVP by Sunday so I can order enough food.

CLIMATE JUSTICE: Are you passionate about climate justice? Apply now to be a regional leader with a paid internship at Our Future – Oregon’s Youth Leadership Network for Climate Action and Climate Justice. See Lori Sauter in the College and Career Center for more information.

DRAMA: The monthly Drama Officer open meeting is today during lunch, in the little theater! Come drop by to learn more about upcoming events and ways to get involved with the theater department. Everyone is welcome!

DODGEBALL: The intramural Dodgeball tournament has concluded. Congratulations to tournament winners We Like Balls for winning the tournament. The next intramural sport will be volleyball!

THURSDAY THOUGHT: “Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before.” – Bonnie Blair