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Announcements for January 20, 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Pledge: Students, we welcome you to stand as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 

SENIORS: The last day to buy senior sweatshirts is Jan 27th. Order now through school pay before it’s too late!

GSA: GSA will meet today during lunch in room 30 (Mrs. Dodd’s room in the main hallway). See you there! 

Clothing Swap: Attention! South and Churchill’s climate clubs are hosting the clothing swap TODAY from 3:30-5pm at the United Methodist Church. Bring your old clothes and come get new ones, to give your style an extra flare! I REPEAT, the clothing swap is TODAY from 3:30-5pm at the United Methodist Church. More info @eg350South on INSTAGRAM.

Jewish Student Union: Please join us in JSU today for a special program in which we’ll take part in a letter writing campaign against antisemitism in collaboration with Amnesty. We meet every Friday at lunch in Asher Tubman’s physics lab. Hope to see you there.

JUNIORS: Juniors, as you know, all 13 modules of the Junior Project have been published. If you have any questions about how to complete them, please drop by the career center in room 7, or email Lori Sauter for more information. If you’ve already finished your project, congratulations!

Radio Club: Have you ever wondered about amateur radio?  Come learn more with our SEHS radio club! Learn about the science and technology behind radio, Morse code, building & programming radios.  Connect with other students, learn how to participate in contests & events. Whether you’re interested in emergency communications, public service, or just a fun hobby, this club has something for everyone. Join us and discover the magic of ham radio!” Tuesday, Jan 24 in room 415 (Asher Tubman’s room)

Scholarship Opportunity: Seniors! If you are Hispanic, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and are headed to a 4-year college or community college, you should apply for the Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Scholarship. You’ll have to hurry, though. This scholarship is due by midnight this Sunday, January 22 and requires a letter of recommendation and essay. Contact Lori Sauter in the career center for more information.

BIPOC: BIPOC Student Gathering TODAY in the LARGE gym during lunch and period 4. Stop in even If you did not RSVP, but please bring your own lunch. 

Teachers: Bobbie has emailed out the link for the latest edition of the JackAxe Report. Find out about mental health supports, this week’s lunch menu, student opinions on next year’s new schedule, and all the particulars on Winter Formal, all in this week’s JackAxeReport! The episode is longer than we usually run, so we’ve separated out JackAxe’s hilarious blooper reels below.