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Announcements for January 13th 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Students, we welcome you to stand as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

GSA MEETING: GSA will meet this Friday during lunch in Mrs. Dodd’s room (room 30 in the main hallway). Come for pizza and community. All are welcome! 

NASU MEETING: NASU meeting on Tuesday the 17th during lunch, in Room 306. 

WRITING CLUB: Writing Club meets today and every Friday during Lunch in Room 504!

BIPOC STUDENTS: Please check your email for the RSVP for our meeting next Friday, 1/20 during lunch and period 4. You MUST RSVP before the end of the school day on Tuesday.

YOUTH TRADES ACADEMY: The 2023 Youth Trades Academy is accepting applications until March 7th. This seven-week program gives juniors and seniors an introduction to the skills necessary for an apprenticeship or employment in the sheet metal, plumbing, carpentry, and electrical trades. Apply soon to secure your spot. For more information, please drop by the career center in room 7, or email Lori Sauter.

WINTER FORMAL TICKETS: Tickets for the winter formal are now available on for $15 each. You must buy a ticket by January 25th in order to attend. Please see Ricci in the front office if the cost presents a financial burden. 

BLOOD DRIVE: South Eugene Red Cross Club is hosting a blood drive at the Eugene Faith Center on January 20th from 12-5 pm.  Visit and enter in sponsor code SouthEugeneHS to donate blood and give back to your community.  Everyone that participates gets volunteer hours that count for NHS group hours.  If you have any questions dm the South Eugene Red Cross Instagram @sehsredcross