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Announcements for November 23rd 2022

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Pledge: Students, we welcome you to stand as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 

Food drive: Thank you to everybody who donated to our food and hygiene drive last week. As promised, here are the winners for a raffle for a free winter formal ticket and a $10 Axepresso gift card! The winner of the Axepresso gift card is… Ellie Jung! And the winner of the winter formal ticket is… Asher Turnbull! Again, thank you to everybody who participated in our food and hygiene drive.

College application essays: Seniors, need help with that application essay? The college and career center has a small essay-reading team that reviews essays and makes suggestions for improvement. Drop by the career center in room 7 or email Lori Sauter for more information.

College visit: Today, a rep from Western Oregon University will visit the Career Center at 2:30. If you’re considering going to Western, come hear what it’s all about.

GSA meeting: Since it is a short week, GSA will meet this Wednesday at lunch in Mrs. Dodd’s room (Room 30). We are looking forward to gathering together. All are welcome!

LSU meeting: Attention everyone!  Latinx Student Union meets today and every Wednesday in Room 29 at lunch.  This week we are planning for the Martin Luther King Jr Assembly coming up in January, and we’ll be watching the World Cup Canada versus Belgium match as well. We hope to see you there!

Scholarship opportunity: Seniors, if you’re a member of the National Honor Society, consider applying for the NHS Scholarship. Ideal applicants have a strong history of leadership and community service. The scholarship is worth at least $3,200 and more if you advance to higher levels. The application is due on Wednesday, November 30, so get started now! Visit Lori Sauter in room 7 if you have any questions.

Attention 9th Grade Students: Finish the trimester strong by attending Club 9’s afterschool homework support. Club 9 meets for a special pizza-fueled study session on Monday, November 28th  from 3:30-6:30 pm in the library.   Pizza will be provided. Check your Canvas Messenger for more details or reach out to Emily Rousseau.

Intramural Badminton: Hey everybody, the badminton tourney is back at it again. Come to the large gym today during lunch to see the other side of the bracket play. Be there or be square!

Winter Formal: South Eugene! This is the moment you have all been waiting for. Without further ado I would like to announce the theme of the 2023 South Eugene Winter Formal. Can I get a drum roll please! The theme is……… Starry Night! Mark your calendars for January 28th from 8-11pm- come join SEHS Student Government with a night of dancing under the stars at the Kidsports Fieldhouse (the Kidsports building across the street from South). This is a FORMAL dance for ALL GRADES and we are allowing guests from other 4j schools. Get hyped, South Eugene! If you have any questions, dm us.